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ODST INSET feedback

Thank you for taking part in the ODST INSET day. We would really appreciate some feedback so that we can continue to develop the training offer for ODST schools and plan future events to best meet your needs.

What is your role?*
How useful did you find the morning sessions? On a scale of 0 (Not at all useful) to 5 (Extremely useful)*
Introduction and principles of inclusion
Supporting inclusion - Amjad Ali
Insight into inclusion at 3 ODST schools
In-school reflection and activity
How useful did you find the afternoon sessions? (Please only rate those you attended)*
Managing sensory integration
How to co-regulate a dysregulated child
Insight and tracking SEND pupils
New Town specialist base and TA allocation
Communication support for pre-verbal children
Working effectively with an educational psychologist
Hard to reach families and SEND
Inclusion in EYFS - early identification
How TAs can support EHCPs
Emotional literacy
Five ways to wellbeing